allergy test
Allergies can also cause serious health problems
With our allergy tests, we can determine which substances your body reacts to and help you avoid these triggers. We offer a comprehensive skin examination and allergy tests to maintain your skin health and identify potential risks early. Our experienced team is on hand to develop individual treatment plans and help you manage allergic reactions. Visit us today for professional advice and support on all aspects of allergies and skin health.
Allergy skin tests: Early diagnosis for healthy skin
Allergies can affect the skin in many ways and lead to unpleasant symptoms such as itching, redness and swelling. To identify the exact triggers of your skin allergies, we offer professional allergy skin tests.
Our allergy skin tests are painless and easy to perform. They involve applying small amounts of potential allergens to the skin and then observing whether a reaction occurs.
Through these tests, we can determine which substances your body is allergic to and give you specific recommendations on how to avoid these triggers.
Early diagnosis of skin allergies is crucial to prevent further complications and maintain your skin health.
Make an appointment for an allergy skin test with Swiss Med Team today and ensure healthy and allergy-free skin!